Emergency Cake for Oct birthday bash...24/10- Serbu kedai along-FB event

>> Wednesday, October 28, 2009

7.50am- phone ringging
wan : eh tina ko xde buat kek ke? alahai elin call aku td tanya, xde beli kek ke? kata celebrate birthday..takkan xde kek kot..nak beli kek kedai lum bukak lg..kalau sempat ko buat kan la ekk..
tina: laaa..aku mmg nk buat mlm td, tp dah tertido..ok la roger je la..
8.00am- prepared chocolate paste, basuh telor, ayak tepung, on oven..
9.00am- masuk kek dlm oven, masak choc ganache..
10.00am- kek dah kuar oven, sejukkan depan kipas...
10.30am- beat whipped cream dgn butter cream, layered kek.., topped kek..mak aiii..cair lg choc ni..belasah jela....terus masuk fridge..
11.00am- mandi2..siap anak2..kemas brg while waiting choc beku..
11.30am- naik kereta zoomm..phone kring krong kring krong..mana ko ni tina x sampai2 lagi..senang je aku jawab...aku sesat..hahahhaha

ha tu la dia cerita kek emergency yg aku buat khas utk birthday girl bulan october, termasuk lah aku..kekekek..ish ishh ishh kalau customer aku wat mcm ni mmg aku charge berdouble2 la gamak nye..ini sebab kawan2 punya pasal..layannnnn

Ok guys, sorry aku lambat, ada sebab ekks! huhuhu..kira aku belanja la kek choc segera tu..kalau sedap order la lagi ekkk...hahahha..pas blk je dr kedai along, terus blk umah, baked 150pcs cupcake and 2bj choc moist kek order for birthday party esok plak...here's the pic..enjoy

Nak cepat punya pasal, sampai salah eja..

Birthday Ladies...

Ex shcool mate SMK Raja Zarina..among yg dpt hadir.


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